#372 Demonstrating the right attitude as a leader and organisation

Demonstrating the right attitude as a leader and organisation

Critical situations and how to handle them


Demonstrating the right attitude is a constant requirement.

But is it accepted and implemented or lived in the organisation's reality? In business, the global Volkswagen scandal is well known. In politics, the public tender procedure for mobile phone frequencies in Germany has just had to be repeated due to illegitimate influence. There have even been donation scandals in charity organisations. When we talk about attitude, we are talking about the core of the organisation's value system.

How can you, as a manager and organisation, position yourself optimally here?



Volkswagen's CEO is on trial. The global scandal surrounding illegal defeat software will eventually end. Surely, someone at Volkswagen would have taken a stand against such practices, but that person was not listened to when the issue happened.

A door fell off the Boeing plane in mid-flight in a recent incident. Now, there is the next setback. The Starliner will leave the International Space Station without astronauts, which is considered too risky for the crew. Boeing has been accused of neglecting quality for years. Voices have been raised here, but they have not been listened to in decisive moments.

Some have taken a clear stance on the rise of right-wing extremists, such as the board of Carl Zeiss Jena, a globally exporting optics company. Siemens' former CEO Käser also took a clear stance on this issue. Unfortunately, however, this remains the exception. In the event of an election victory, do you want to get involved with possible fascists for financial reasons?



Three important aspects are to lay a good foundation for a more sustainable organisation.

Attitude regarding implementation: Rules and compliance provide one guideline. On the other hand, you need a culture of error, innovation, and openness in the organisation. The fine line between the two needs to be walked. You won't achieve sustainable success with management obedience.

Attitude regarding the matter: focus on quality. At the same time, you need to monitor the cost structure and profitability. Here, too, the fine line between the two aspects is the one that needs to be walked.

Attitude regarding society: if you think that waving rainbow flags and applauding the Paralympics garnished with sponsorship is enough attitude, you are mistaken. If you do this without context to your organisation, you are in the realm of marketing. Real attitude is clearly implemented and exemplified in the reality of the organisation. Your attitude can be seen only with an unambiguous demonstration of values.

(More on this in this week's podcast; see link below).



Focus on training employees and managers. It is essential here that managers must fulfil the same requirements. Differentiating between employees and managers regarding values and attitudes is neither practical nor comprehensible. These training programmes are not a one-off event. Training and further education must be organised on an ongoing basis. This option is the only way you can keep up with the changes of the times. Relying on specialised knowledge — a scientific basis, practical and methodically-didactically qualified as well as entertaining delivery guarantees the best results. So-called motivational events in large halls with lots of dancing and clapping should be avoided. The German Professor Kanning has spoken clearly and appropriately about these unsubstantiated events.

When implementing all of the above, pay attention to the attitude in the implementation, the cause, and society. Only with congruence between what is said and the actions of your managers and organisation can you achieve a sustainably successful result.


 More on this topic in this week's podcast: Apple Podcasts / Spotify


Is excellent leadership important to you?

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Contact: Niels Brabandt on LinkedIn

Website: www.NB-Networks.biz


Niels Brabandt is an expert in sustainable leadership with more than 20 years of experience in practice and science.

Niels Brabandt: Professional Training, Speaking, Coaching, Consulting, Mentoring, Project & Interim Management. Event host, MC, moderator.

Niels BrabandtLeadership